Jeden Tag McDonalds? Was passiert?
Was passiert mit meinen Körper wenn ich jeden Tag mindestens 1 mal McDonalds esse.
Esse bei McDonalds meist 3 Cheesburger und 9 Nuggets und nen großen Milchshake
Nehme ich schneller zu als mit anderen Lebensmitteln?
Look at the movie Super Size Me.
This depends on how your body is being processed, but it is not healthy at all!! I’d eat something right in your place
No, you’re even taking off! I wonder if you shouldn’t turn a docue on this 🤔
Is there a good movie of the movie title “Supersize Me” there you should get a sound answer.
It depends. If you do not exceed your daily calorie requirement, you do not take too
For health, it keeps sucking permanently, lots of trans fats, empty carbohydrates, hardly vitamins, little minerals, much salt, unfavorable combinations (transfats + carbohydrates from white flour), cheap meat
You don’t necessarily get faster than with other foods, no. If you would eat similar every day (bread, meat, cheese, fried, milk, a lot of sugar) then that would have the same effect.
McDonald’s is of course practical, so how you want. A lot of success in creating 👍