Jeden Tag duschen ohne Haare waschen no go?

Hey. Es liegt oft in der Kritik jeden Tag zu duschen weil das ungesund sein soll. Aber was soll man als alternative benutzen wenn man andauernd schwitzt? Ich bin eine Person die schon von leichten Arbeiten schnell schwitzt. Ich rieche zwar nicht, aber mag das gefühl von schweiss auf meiner Haut nicht. Ich dusche in der Regel jeden Tag. Immer Abends. Meine Haare wasche ich aber nur einmal oder zweimal in der Woche. Was meint ihr? Antworten bitte😩

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1 year ago

Every day, showers destroy the acid-protection jacket of your skin and makes it more vulnerable to any bacteria and dirt. Just when you shower in the evening and put yourself in bed after that. In bed there are old skin sheds, hair and dust mites and bacteria that feed on them. In short, you can get irritated skin, clogged pores and pimple breakouts. It also increases your risk of skin cancer as UVA and UVB radiation directly falls on your unprotected skin. I’d guess about it, and if you’d have a shower every two days. Your body has enough time to recover, and you can use your body more or less with washcloths and sealing deo

2 years ago

Everything else is bullshit. Every skin is different. Each skin has different needs. You should do what you do well. If every day showers and hair washes well, then everything is great.

1 year ago

Everyone should handle it as best for him and his skin.

Some can take it well every day to shower, others have skin problems when you shower every day.

I don’t think it’s good to shower every day (as seen all year round, 365 days a year) because the skin is damaged.

I shower on average every 2-3 days, in summer very rarely if it is really too warm and you have sweated excessively or on holiday (beach) is then also once a day and so drive well

2 years ago

I go shower every second day and wash hair if I don’t have to work or go somewhere else, otherwise every day is showered and the hair is washed every second day.

2 years ago

take a pH-skin-neutral detergent

then cream

2 years ago

What do you hear about washcloth? 🤓

2 years ago
Reply to  Shiftcom

Are you sweating all over the body? 🤔

2 years ago

It’s hard to do. Imagine there would be no more showers and no tubs in the apartments! 😱😄