JEDEN tag bauchschmerzen?

Hallo erstmal,

Ich habe wirklich schon seid so vielleicht monaten bauchschmerzen… jeden tag und ich denke es liegt an zuviel luft im bauch. Aber egal was ich nehme es wird nicht besser. Nach den kleinsten essen oder trinken werden die immer stärker… Am morgen sind sie immer am schlimmsten und ich weis wirklich nicht wiso weil ich war im Krankenhaus vor kurzem und sie hatten ein ultraschall gemacht und alles war super. Langsam weis ich nicht mehr was ich tuhen soll da es mich wirklich langsam stört.

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7 months ago

Go to a specialist and let a stomach intestinal reflection be carried out. You also have to pay attention to your diet. I would really eat cautiously at your place for a week, like cooked potatoes, just cooked noodles etc. At least it helped me because I had it too.

7 months ago

I’d tap a gastritis or the like.

The best way to make an appointment with the gastroenterologist for gastroenterology.
Before that, your home physician may already prescribe proton pump inhibitors to you, which may reduce the symptoms and if not, then the gastroenterologist already knows that this has been tested.

7 months ago


You’re me, female, age group?

I’m sure I’d also catch an eye on a stomach and an intestinal level.

Hormones? My sister also had a lot of abdominal pain, with great effort in the University Hospital ZH, unresulted. In pregnancy (total of four children) and then blown away. Now it’s coming back with 54.

Eat: which helps safely is 3x daily a tablespoon of turbid organic applelessig on a glass of water to drink.

Incompatibility? gluten, lactose, etc ..

7 months ago

This is actually similar to me, I also have 3-4 months more often so middle-strength abdominal pain.

7 months ago

Let an intestinal reflection be carried out. Maybe you can find something

7 months ago

You should make a temin with a gastroenterologist to let that go.

Maybe you have an incompatibility, write on what you eat and whether or not the pain is strong.