Jeden Tag Alkohol?
Ich trinke fast jeden Tag Alkohol .Überwiegend Vodka.Das längste was ich ausgehalten habe ohne Alk waren 1 Woche in den letzten Monaten.Wie findet ihr das.Bin w/18
Ich trinke fast jeden Tag Alkohol .Überwiegend Vodka.Das längste was ich ausgehalten habe ohne Alk waren 1 Woche in den letzten Monaten.Wie findet ihr das.Bin w/18
Ich war 3 Jahre spielsüchtig, danach 2 Jahre heroinsüchtig und danach 2 Jahre cracksüchtig. Habe alle Süchte erfolgreich abgelegt – ohne Langzeittherapie. Es gibt einige, die mir nahe legen und sich wünschen, dass icg Genesungsbegleiter werde, aber Streetworker gefällt mir noch besser. Habe viel Erfahrung und Wissen, dass anderen Menschen helfen kann und teile es…
Moin Leute, bin an sich ein Mensch der sich sehr ausführlich über Dinge informiert und weiß was er tut. Meine Frage kommt trotzdem, da es mich ein wenig wundert. ich habe bei einem Vendor eine riesen Sparte an Kratom Samples bestellt, und mir war klar dass ich die alle innerhalb einer bis 1½ Wochen maximal…
Wie sieht echtes Kokain aus?
Hey mein Vater ist Alkohol abhängig und sieht es nicht ein zur Therapie zu gehen .Durch ein Freund dessen Vater ebenfalls Alkohl abhängig ist habe ich erfahren wie schnell so was ausahten kann.Nun merke ich die sleben verhaltens Muster bei meien Vater wie bei dem von meien Freund.ich würde ganz gerne weg von mein Vater…
I think this is highly problematic and I think you should talk to professionals about it. The advice is completely confidential, you are not obligated to anything and you don’t cost it. Maybe helpful:
Also here on the platform are consultants who can talk about this. For example:
Good luck!
If these questions are answered yes or partially with yes, then an appointment should be made with the doctor (psychiater). You should do that now, as your drinking behavior, which you have described, is very worrying.
If it is not treated in time, then it can become worse and a therapy becomes more and more difficult.
LG 👍
Vodka is too high to be enjoyed daily. Turn over to wine and/or beer, with precisely set limits and limited to a few evening hours. If you have been able to do an alk-free week, you can repeat it gradually, but then not as a failed attempt to stay abstinent, but as a one-week test.
I don’t care what you’re doing or not.
lg up
Continuous alcohol consumption mainly damages the liver!
Immediately introduce yourself to your family doctor to diagnose whether the liver is already damaged or not. The doctor will check the liver parameters > Gammagt. and the transaminases and possibly perform an abdomen soo > ultrasound, for better evaluation of the liver.
A withdrawal under stationary conditions would be displayed!
How I that can be found:
Time for a withdrawal cure. Or anonymous alcoholics.
What you write sounds really dangerous. That you ask this question here also means that you probably ask yourself if it’s still normal or whether it’s a dependency.
On search you can talk anonymously and free about your consumption and what that means to you. Why do you consume? What consequences can this have for you? How can I stop it if I don’t want it anymore?
These are big questions you don’t have to answer on your own.
Careful – the dependence of alcohol on enjoyment via habitation takes place smoothly.
not good
You should change this, and if you don’t make it alone, get professional help
You should worry about that.
You’re on the best way to become a sick alcoholic. If you can give up, do it right away, or you’ll end up in the gutter.
I’m serious!
If you keep going, you’ll never get rid of it. You stay sick for a lifetime!
either you’re trying to get a cure or to sleep in a pussy shelter behind the station.
please watch your teeth
The teeth are the least problem.
have a phobia ahead and even if I am extremely drunk on my teeth. it also damages the tin meat and thus the brain
but you must also think about the teeth. the others have already mentioned this with the psyche etc.
In the case of alcohol addiction, whole organism damaged. The psyche too.
Do what makes you fun
Yeah, that’s where you can get to death. Don’t.