Jeden Tag 400 Gramm Nüsse essen?

Ich habe mir überlegt mich Low Carb auf Nussbasis zu ernähren. Also 400 Gramm Nüsse, 800 Gramm Gemüse und 2 Portionen Obst am Tag. Natürlich mit ein Paar Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.

Sind sie viele Nüsse OK, oder auf Dauer schädlich?

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8 months ago

Too many nuts are definitely unhealthy. On the one hand, the body can be used to many fats, on the other hand they contain so-called anti-nutrients which, if one is too much of it, become harmful.

Ballasts are also likely to lead to digestive problems in quantity.

In addition, this diet lacks much to be balanced. The proteins come here only from nuts and vegetables, there are a few amino acids that are essential. In addition, you will quickly lack B12 and other vitamins here if you do not supplement them.

10 months ago

Hello Naitsabes94

With 400 gramm nuts you will not lose weight, but will increase a lot. 100g nuts have an average of 500-600kcal, so that up to 2400 kcals are only through nuts.

Low Carb diets are meaningless. The only way to take off is to go into a calorie deficit.

Greeting Paul

8 months ago
Reply to  Naitsabes94

You consume 3000 kcsl on the day? Are you athlete?

8 months ago
Reply to  Pauldnd

low carb is (usually) one of the most efficient diets you can make.

  • ́man sees fast results due to water loss, which makes you more motivated
  • low carb leads to an increase in carbohydrates and to long-chain kh because one starts to understand kh and its effect and benefits
  • the result is that the blood sugar level rises slowly and decreases slowly, which counteracts hunger attacks (approximately top 1 of the reasons for weight increase)
  • by less carbohydrates you save on kcal (after fat of the kcal densest nutrient, protein has just as many kcal as KH)
  • Last but not least: a simple “kcal deficit diet” usually fails because you simply feed less kcal but usually the diet remains the same and people are less likely to put in it

Nutrition is more complex than many think and no kindergarten

In the case worst a diet leads to an eating disorder

Who talks about nutrition and does not have a plan is possibly cognizance if one develops an eating disorder.

In summary, Low carb is not pointless. No diet is pointless. Each diet has its authorization and it is good that there are so many different because no human is the same and react differently well to various diets. In some, a low carb diet better, in others a ketogenic diet, in the others a carnivore diet, in the others a paleo diet, in the others a protein diet. You will notice that nutrition is a big topic and there is a reason why nutrition is a degree course.

Nice day.

8 months ago

but one way forward: usually not usable in everyday life. That’s why, at least, you have the most important together. If you eat a little less than 2400 kcal or more, and these come from not so good nutrients, then enough. This is now more luxurious for people who are either unemployed or self-employed. As I said, therefore, a simple kcal deficit usually fails

8 months ago

if you eat so “different” at least make it more balanced. So many nuts does not need a body, just as much vegetables, 2 servings of fruit is good.

Look increasingly on complex kh and much more protein, nuts pushes fat needs very well but there are 30 grams. Proteins should be higher than JEDEN FALL and no, the proteins from nuts are not enough. Keywords amino acid and biological value. Put your needs down on nice. 300-400. If you eat protein rich, then look at animal, but also on vegetable protein (soja z.b). You can mix both.

For a consumption of 3000 kcal and a deficit of 600 kcal, it is CA. (with chatgpt after check)

Carbohydrates: 300 grams

Protein: 120 grams

Fat: 80 grams

in percentages:

50% carbohydrates

20% protein



10 months ago

If you can digest that… Nuts also contain a lot of fiber. I’m gonna test slowly.

Alternatively, you can also buy nutmeg and bake from it.

10 months ago

400 grams are already an announcement…but basically nothing harmful. Actually, contain everything that body needs.