JDM/Projektauto für unter 5000€?

Servus Freunde, ich fahre derzeit einen Ford Mustang ShelbyGT500 2013 und möchte mir nebenbei noch ein Tuning Projekt aufbauen. Ob JDM/Deutsch etc ist egal. Hauptsache bis 5000€ (nur das Auto, ohne Tuning).

vielleicht hat ja jemand ne coole Idee. Bin 1.93m groß, daher kam der Mx5 nicht infrage, sitze dort genau an der Sonnenblende 😂

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3 years ago

So as a 1.9m man, I can tell you that is best suited for your requirements a Mazda RX-8 with 231 hp (the 193 hp is too weak or a worse foundation, doesn’t turn so high and has far less potential than the 231er)

The engine must be revised if you want to do it, then the running performance is no matter, which is usually 120-150k km.

Turbo conversion is possible, but then without road approval, otherwise there are a few possibilities to allow specialists (Wankelguru), among others, to increase the maximum speed to 10,000 revolutions if you drive Super+, which leads to a power of 250-260ps (with the right AGA and software understands itself). The car is very good, the equipment is very extensive and you have a unique sound as well as optics.

ferry one, so I can tell you what’s important and what you can do with it

3 years ago

Maxda MX5 Miata Cute and Good XD

Honda Civic Vtec’s old version also super and hardly consumption

Toyota Celica GT also beautiful

A RX8 is often a problem child😅

3 years ago

madzda rx 8

in the car you have a nice wank motor and quite cheap purchase costs

3 years ago
Reply to  GriiM

No does not

3 years ago
Reply to  GriiM


0.3l to 1,000km, with a TSI/TFSI from the VW Group it is 1-2l to the same distance 😉

3 years ago


3 years ago

“…I’m currently driving a Ford Mustang ShelbyGT500 2013…”

The 2010’s from a month ago, did you think you’d throw out?

3 years ago
Reply to  GriiM

“Fragesteller 22 days ago

Hey my good, forget everything – but nice ^^ have bought me a Ford Mustang ShelbyGT500 2010.”