Jdm Autos unter 4500€?

Hi ich suche grad nach einem jdm auto(nein kein rechts Lenker) was man hübsch machen kann (mit Body Kits, Auspuff, Spoiler etc.). Mein Budget liegt bei 4000-4500€. Er sollte bisschen sportlich sein, robust und nicht kaputt gehen.
Tipps was man beim Autokauf beachten sollte wäre auch nett 🙂 danke

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2 years ago

JDM is called Japan Domestic Market – intended for the Japanese domestic market. That means right-wing!

You’ll only find scrap for the amount, if at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  CoDProPlayer

Why does it have to be jdm?

2 years ago

What is the difference to normal Japanese cars made for the European market?

2 years ago

You just need to know a free workshop that can repair the electronics and the batteries, then you have a car that is economical and can make many km.