JBL external filter E402?
I don't know what to do anymore, the filter always worked great, I cleaned the filter like always about 2 hours ago, after a lot of trying, I can't get the filter to work anymore, I pump and pump during quick start but the filter just makes a noise, whether the rotor is loose or it has never seen water
Does anyone have a tip for me? The filter is about 13 1/2 months old.
In case of doubt, simply forget the stupid suction pump and proceed as before:
Fix water outflows above the water surface, open the hose that leads to the outflow device empty (valve by hand (small pliers) and then close again). The hose that leads the water from the aquarium to the filter must be filled with water and the suction basket must also be under water. Then place the filter empty, i.e. without water, to its place, connect the hoses, open the valves and let gravity do the work. If no flow or Blubber noises are to be heard, plug the plug into the socket. It should then normally be so little air in the filter that it starts without problems.
Each filter is vented (if the highest point of the filter is at least a few cm below the water surface). Intake pumps are unnecessary components.
probably the filter does not manage to squeeze the air out of the filter, you should put the filter outlet in a bucket and let the water run into a bucket! Then turn the filter outlet back and put the hose into the basin! You’ll see he’s working again!
If the outlet is in the water, it doesn’t use anything!
I got an Eheim 126l filter and had similar problems. It’s probably because there’s a constipation. It was on the rocks. I cleaned them like this: A small plastic can took what you can do and then shake with aquarium water. I got a lot of shit out there. It can also be something else. If it doesn’t help, look at a video of how to remove the filter, and you’ll get it all rough. Your important bacteria will die, but you want your filter to work again.
LG Eren
which stones the filter medium has also briefly roasted