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1 year ago

That a mistake occurs. Do not open the application by double click, but open a console window and start it manually. Then the window will remain open and you can see what is output.

Just read that you want to start Java! It’s not a program that’s kind of done. This just starts the Java program that you give him. If you run java.exe or javaw.exe directly, this will be terminated directly with the message that you did not specify all required command line arguments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flashover2005

You click on the Start menu, type “Input Auff” and wait until the icon comes to the Start command. Then you enter cd “C:\…” and the path to the application (see the quotes for spaces in the path).

Once in the folder, enter the name of the file that you would also double click in the Explorer to start the program and press ENTER.

ACHSO: I’ve read it now! You want to start java.exe? This ends right away because you didn’t give him any arguments to do it.

1 year ago

On an error, e.g.

If you run the program within a console window, you can see the error.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flashover2005
java -jar 
1 year ago

The java.exe or javaw.exe?

Java is a programming language, what you try to start there is the runtime without giving it a program, nothing happens and it closes right away.

Or you give a program and an untreated error occurs immediately to start, which then also leads to an end.

Or your program will be finished without a mistake, then you have programmed it like this, or there is nothing that will keep the program waiting for you to see something.

In all three cases, you should get a Java book if you don’t know it alone, you definitely lack more than just the basics to not say everything.

1 year ago

Java is not a(e) Program/application a programming language.

If you only have the “Runtime” environment installed, you can only run Java programs.

1 year ago
Reply to  mchawk777

Well, Java already brings executable files in the runtime, for example java.exe and javaw.exe. You can also start it – but it doesn’t use it because they don’t know what to do. And so the console window is closed again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flashover2005

Don’t worry.

The greatest danger of Java is still expected when running via web browser on a website.
Therefore, some time ago the Java plugins for browsers were disabled or completely removed.

In the Java settings (Controll Panel) – “Safety” tab, you should make sure that the check is disabled for the browser contents.