Japanisches Auto importieren oder in Deutschland kaufen?
Hallo zusammen wollte mir eine Silvia s15 zulegen
Kostet in Deutschland 20-25 tausend
Der Markt ist leider sehr klein da frage ich mich ob ein Import aus Japan besser wäre
Wenn mir jemand sagen kann was bei dem import für Kosten anfallen wäre super
If there’s the model here, buy here.
If there is no model here, buy it in Japan.
If the model here is very rare/ expensive, then buy in Japan as long as it is cheaper according to everything that is due (reconstruction for TÜV etc.)
Can do both, but there are a lot of models from all Japanese manufacturers that are not available for sale in Europe, then only import remains, but remember: single abnhame at the TÜV stands after previous reconstruction
Both are possible
thinking in Japan is left-hand traffic, so the steering wheel is on the wrong side