Japan was soll ich wissen?
Ich fliege nächstes Jahr 3 Wochen nach Japan und ich habe mich gefragt, ob es Sachen gibt, die man dort nicht tun soll, weil sie respektlos gegenüber der Kultur sind. Da ich Spaß haben will und niemanden versehentlich beleidigen oder nerven möchte, frage ich euch ob ihr etwas kennt. Ich freue mich auf Antworten🤠
Falls sich was ändert, fliege ich nach Tokyo und wir bewegen uns dann hoch nach Osaka.
This is a 3 week holiday in tourist centers. Don’t be a pear. You’re gonna bother anyone unconsciously anyway. But will not notice you and not be relevant.
And most of the tips that are always referred to as Japan can be summarized with “Don’t be an ass.” Many things are always presented as a Japanese characteristic, although one would expect such behavior in Germany. Hachja.
What tourists need to know will be on site in English-speaking signs anyway.
Sure I will try to be as nice and respectful as possible😊
Yes, there’s enough, but with a normal understanding, you won’t have much trouble with it.
What I like spontaneously: Don’t be loud in the draws and turn your handy to noisy. Don’t even try to talk to someone very quietly. (and is generally not loud)
Move like the japaner and don’t be extra sausage.
Have enough cash, because there are enough places where not tickets are accepted.
if you visit houses/tempel concentrate on the (English speaking) signs, for example some want to pull out the shoes in certain zones.
Generally, try not to annoy people.
I don’t know what it will look like next year, but I assume that there is still a lot of the mask (all) worn. So if you don’t want to stand out, wear the mask (if nothing really changes).
Other tips:
Take a powerbank with you so you can always charge your handy. Google maps is so practical that on trains even which wagon is the fastest to get out.
Buy an IC card (Suica or pasmo in tokyo, also work in oasaka)
In the “Tax-free” you can view the passport so that if you don’t have to pay tax from a certain amount shopping, you must always have the passport with it
Learn simple practical sets/floscles in Japanese. The least can/are English, so it is very practical to say, for example, if you can pay with (credit) card “(krejitto)kaado de ii deska?”
Smoke not on the road
Try to learn how to eat with sticks. Not always are forked and knife usable and it would be annoying to people if they had to get them.
I don’t know what people think when you put the sticks in the suppe/travel, but I would just avoid it. Simply put the sticks both over the bowl/table.
If you want to say thank you or accusation, please (something)
(even if you buy something, you can bend away for a while)
If you are asked if you need a shopping bag:
Yes, please – “Hai onegaishimas”
No, I don’t. Thanks – “iie, irimasen. Arigatoo”
Short trip to the Google Adventure Park.
The first hit:
13 Fauxpas you should know in Japan – Boa Lingua Blog
The second hit:
Japan Knigge – 11 important Benimm Rules for Japan (viel-unterwegs.de)
Thank you
We are happy to wait for your supplements on return 🙂
can also like to duzen
Super likes to take a bit but am mega excited
Rather lateral movement to Osaka 😉
The most important thing is to observe and imitate. If you do what the Japanese do, you do a lot right.
Excuse me with a little diffraction and sumimases, so you’re also doing fat bowls well.
Small Knigge tips on the way: Do not throw waste on the ground, do not spit on the ground, do not eat in walking, only smoke in marked areas and do not speak loudly/phone in the train. You covered a lot with that.
Thank you, I do not haha with the spit too in Germany and you are right Osaka is lateral haha I had in mind it would be il norden but have not planned the trip even hahah
Super, I see here in Switzerland daily spuckis so I found it worth mentioning 🙂
In Osaka, there is no good time to go right and go left on the escalator, but the other way around: I found fun.
But you will find that you can avoid much watching. If a Japanese bows to you, so do that too (besides in the Konbini, to the cashiers you can obviously be “increasible”, I personally do it anyway).
Where did you get that from, by chance, from a youtube video, or did you tell a japaner?
Read and it was told to me in Osaka by a stand salesman who gave us a standing place for dinner, and I have never seen it before (but also not consciously observed, I also don’t like running around with food).
With stand salesmen, even near temples or gardens, I only saw people standing. On label, never everyone, not even Japanese (as soon as seen at temples, the grandfather has snuck the son, that even the foreigner is behaving judgement). But whether this is simply one of the unwritten social norms or actually labels I cannot judge, I am just a tourist that adapts itself.
that would be my point. You don’t necessarily run around with eating, but honestly, I’ve seen a lot of japaners as they eat a bun when you go.
Also a lot was eaten near stall salesmen.
Hahaha is a very good tip
Sorry and very important but not a honey: tow handkerchiefs with, in some public toilets there is no toilet paper :I sat down at the station of Osaka.
I didn’t know that with the escalator very interesting