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3 years ago


Although a German Benz is also a German car in Japan, it is also designed for the Japanese single market. It satisfies the strict exhaust and noise standards in Japan without problems, but whether it also meets the EU’s most stringent but other established standards is unclear.

Mercedes wants to congratulate the Japanese with everything they like. Perhaps the right steering is equipped with a “Mäusekino” and the vehicle width is adapted to the parking-wide standards (from 1.7 meters wide the parking spaces are very expensive). The lamps must be replaced if they cannot be converted to legal traffic. It may have been taken into account by the fact that 100 km/h is the sound wall in Japan.

You don’t wear owls to Athens. You buy a Mercedes where he comes from. It’s nice to live there.


3 years ago

What are you doing? There is also in DE.

The vehicle existed in 2006-2013 – as your import was then never permitted in DE it must be re-approved and comply with the exhaust gas standards now in force. That can be a problem.

I think, for example, that the very popular Porsche 911 suckers can no longer be allowed again.

3 years ago

Consider that the transport is also not cheap from Japan to Germany.