Jahresnote berechnen?

wie berechnet man Jahresboten!

im ersten Halbjahr habe ich in Englisch

schriftlich: 4 und 4+ geschrieben

mündlich: 2 und 2-3

gehen wir davon aus das ich im zweiten Halbjahr

schriftlich: 5 und 5 schriebe

mündlich 3 und 4

was würde ich dann im Zeugnis bekommen ?

bei uns zählt schriftlich und mündlich 50% Realschule Hessen

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1 month ago

In the first half of the year you will probably get a 3 in the certificate:

in writing: 4, oral: 2 = 3

In the second half of the year you would expect:

Written: 5 orally: 3.5 = 4.25 (only for the second half).

If you combine both half-years, get 3+4.25 / 2 = 3.625.

In most cases, the second half of the year is somewhat stronger anyway, and the teacher may also value pedagogically at his discretion and may, for example, make a significant reduction in performance to the worse note.

Overall, a 4 in this case would be realistic as an annual note.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hihi222333

Computerly unlikely, especially at orally 3-4 if both count 50%.

But I would not necessarily expect such a deterioration in the second half of the year.

1 month ago


((4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5) : 4) * 0.5 + ((2 + 2.5 + 3 + 4) : 4)* 0.5 = 3,69

So you would end up in my calculation.

Good luck!

1 month ago

All notes are added by the number of notes,

in this case (4+4+2+2)/4 are 3, (4+4+2+2+5+3+4)/8 are ~3,6 thus 4.