Jagd bei leichtem Wind?
ich bin Jungjäger und habe mich gefragt ob Wild auch bei schwachem Wind Witteeung von mir bekommt wenn ich auf dem Ansitz bin bzw. ob die Stärke des Windes überhaupt eine Rolle spielt in diesem Zusammenhang. Wie ist es außerdem mit dem Wind bei großen Entfernungen, bis zu welcher Entfernung kann das Wild mich wittern?
From my point of view, if your wind doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit. It doesn’t matter if the wind is weak or strong, it only affects how fast your odor particles move away from you. Personally, a weak continuous wind from the right direction is better than felt wind stills, because the smell is easier to spread and less pull away. Consider that a roe can also perceive your weather on every shot distance. Don’t talk about it.
If the wind goes in the right direction, then: Yes, of course.
As hunters, you always want to feel the wind in the face (the wind must come from the front) so that the wild does not get any weather.
Yes. If he is stronger, he “dilutes” your smell on the one hand, but on the other hand he also carries it away. And Wild has a good sense of smell.
There is an old saying: If the wind blows, the hunter stays at home.
I don’t know what the maximum is, but I can tell you from my own experience that a single light air is sufficient in the right (false) direction, so that, for example, Rehwild makes a sheet of several 100 meters around you.
This is true with the wind and the weather. Nevertheless, I find that something is overvalued.
The higher the high seat, the less it makes. I’ve been sitting with a burning cigarette and still the deer came.
Depending on how the area is used, so if there are always many walkers, cyclists, etc. on the go, they have already become used to human odour anyway. They react much more to noise than smell.
My experience. And three weeks ago, I put another rehbock.
As the old Indian said to the young Indian: The wind must always get out towards Wild. Or sideways.
For the first time when the wind is hunting, the hunter stays at home. Wild trembles over a few hundred meters. You should always have eyes.