Ja soll ich mich impfen lassen?
soll ich mich impfen lassen Wer von euch ist geimpft und wer nicht
soll ich mich impfen lassen Wer von euch ist geimpft und wer nicht
Hallo! Kann mir jemand erklären, ob die Basiliarmembran zum Corti Organ dazugehört oder nicht? So wie es in dem Angehängten Text steht, würde ich nein sagen. Aber Google sagt teilweise wieder, dass das Corti Organ zwar auf der Basiliarmembran sitzt, aber trotzdem dazugehört. Danke schonmal! lg
Hey sollte eig am Freitag meine Tagekriegen ….heute ist Montag . Sie sind immernoch nicht da , hatte kein Sex und schiebe total Panik, 16 jahre und habe sie ca seit 2~3 jahren ca 3 jahre …… schiebe so panik hab so angstviel das was schief läuft oder so bitte um Rathalb Lg
Hey ist es normal das die vorhaut sich von alleine zurück zieht wenn der Penis hart ist?
Was sind die Folgen wenn man schon in seiner Jugendzeit Chemische Drogen wie zb. Ecstasy, Benzo, LSD etc. nimmt?
Muss man sich dafür schämen, drogensüchtig zu sein? ich bin 16 und leider Amphetamin abhängig, kann eif kein Tag ohne Speed. Und ich schäme mich teilweise auch dafür. Wenn ich in eine Drogensuchtklinik geh, werden es meine Eltern auch merken und das will ich echt nicht. Will nicht, dass sie enttäuscht sind von mir. ich…
Would be a good decision.
I vaccinated 2 x and also have an appointment for the booster vaccination.
Since mid-July completely vaccinated and in January I get the third vaccination. You should get vaccinated.
Got my vaccination next week but very uncertain I don’t know if I’ll go there 🥲🥲🥲
Maybe this article will help you with your decision-making:
It’s your decision.
I decided to vaccinate and wait for my booster.
Yes, please. The pandemic is getting out of control. Protect yourself, be selfish. 50% of the unvaccinated will be infected this winter. Covid’s crap.
That’s the most stupid statement I’ve ever read 😂😂
I am a scientist and believe in simulations if there is enough data. After 20 months of pandemic, they are. If the RKI speaks of 1000 dead a day for Christmas, I believe that. We’ve been to the smaller wave.
That’s how it works.
Yeah, I want you to.
Yeah, let it intrude. Now.
I’ll get my Booster vaccination soon. Yes, please let yourself 🙏🏽
Is your decision, I am vaccinated and would also recommend 🤷 ♂️
But absolutely
It would be better for you and all of us!
I am vaccinated two times… no problems with it! 🙂
My attitude: yes absolutely. If anyone could have let himself be invaded, we’d have done this….
You shouldn’t decide that because of opinions from the Internet. I vaccinated for a class trip, but I was so bad after vaccination, I am not going to inoculate again (has Johnson and Johnson, so I had only one vaccination)
I’m wondering how bad you’d go with Covid…
So from COVID you don’t get toothaches and I can infect myself with it anyway, as I’m absolutely healthy, I generally assume a very low risk of corona, so that risk would be absolutely worth me;)
Jay, judge someone again without checking out all the facts! Well, that shows how full your head must be that you can say so many wrong things about the person without knowing someone. I’m proud of you…
Apparently, a lot fuller than yours, which bears an active cognizance in the current situation. It must be unexpectedly wonderful to egoistically sweep other people to death and to avoid tooth pain before others survive… 👍
Of course, there are bad consequences with corona, but there are also when you are vaccinated. At this age, it is easy to weigh down the worst side effects for oneself, which come from vaccination (e.g. heart muscle inflammation) or from corona (e.g. lung damage). It is very unlikely for both to meet one, but not to exclude 100% for both. It’s just a personal consideration, which one of them likes “better”. I’m panic afraid of sine vein thrombosis and I have an extreme problem with toothaches, so I decided I won’t get caught again. I congratulate you on your so high intelligence you prove by not being able to put yourself in others/willing and insulting. This shows that your head must be full…
Personally, you know a 16-year-old who carried severe lung damage after the Covid disease. She’ll never be able to live normally. If you think toothaches, fevers and sick feet for a week are worse than life-long lung damage, then I congratulate you on an empty skull…
Yes, you can enjoy Biontech. I have been vaccinated 3 times
Respect, does that finally work with the chippen at the third vaccination? I vaccinated twice, no Bluetooth signal found on Arm😂
Ne does not work Brudi
Ne brudi we have to hold together
You don’t have to let me write to I can help you
I don’t need a fake vaccination card;)