Ivao in xp12?

Moin ,

Wenn ich in Ivao die taxi clearance mache, kann ich mir sicher sein, dass die lotsen mir mehr oder weniger die taxiways wie auf flightradar geben? Andernfalls gibt es tipps, wie ich mir die Taxiways merken kann? Weil da sind ja zb sehr viele taxiways. Danke

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2 months ago

Well, in most cases, the route is similar to that in real use, because that allows the most efficient flow on the airport. Nevertheless, it can happen that you get another route because, for example, other traffic blocks a taxiway or something. Remembering the route would be very helpful, I always write my clearance, either on a sheet of paper or in the MCDU in the Scratchpad. And then just look out the window, there are signs, and check against the airport map.

If an airport has too many taxiways, maybe start on a smaller one…