Italienische Tiramisu selber machen?

Hii also ich wollte schon lange Tiramisu machen. Ich habe so tiktok videos gesehen wie die das machen und das sah es soo einfach aus die haben da diese Löffelbiskuits in diese Soße oder was das auch ist getan raus genommen in eine Form rein getan und dann noch eine weiße fluffige Creme drüber gemacht und weiter gestapelt es sah so einfach aus ist es auch so einfach oder täuscht das Video? Und ich bin m 13 und ich esse oft Tiramisu ist das ungesund weil auf dem Tiramisu ist ja Kaffee?

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1 month ago

I don’t think Tiramisu’s hard to do, but it depends, of course, on whether you already have some experience in the kitchen or not? Check out a good recipe and read it carefully. Hold on to the step-by-step guide. The most difficult part is if you need to dip the spoon bite into the coffee-amaretto mixture. If you enter them too long, distort and disintegrate them, you do them too short, they are not completely pulled through and remain firm. But you can get it out!

To your other question: In many Tiramisu recipes is Amaretto, alcohol in it and coffee. If you don’t want to have this, you can use caffeine-free coffee and replace the alcohol with, for example, Bittermandelöl. Simply enter “Tiramisu without alcohol” in your recipe search, there are also good recipes.

And healthy, hm, well, there are eggs in there and mascara, that’s not bad, but of course a lot of sugar. Just look at it as what it is: a very tasty dessert, something sweet that you can always enjoy.

1 month ago

it’s so easy.

However, you should not eat it after the original recipe, because it is alcohol in it.

the cream is simply slightly sugared mascarpone. it also goes with double-frame – has about 50 percent fat in both cases.

tiramisu is pretty much the most untiring thing there is. extra fat and sugar, with alcohol and large amounts of espresso.

for underweight adult with ADHD it is okay.

1 month ago

The sauce is coffee. And the cream must be made first. But yes, of course, is unhealthy because there is a lot of sugar in there.

1 month ago
Reply to  HarmonyZ

So much sugar isn’t in there. In addition, everyone can determine how to pour vie sugar.

The mascarpone is relatively fat, but it is possible to allow this kindness gradually.

1 month ago
Reply to  Simbacherin1

Yes great, fat is much healthier…And in the question it was not about time and again, but specifically about eating this often

1 month ago

Tiramisu is very easy to do. Just find a suitable recipe.

1 month ago

Probably coffee is still the healthiest at Tiramisu 😉

1 month ago

Coffee can also be without caffeine and taste very good. My mother used to make Tiramisu – but without alcohol. Some make it with alcohol some without – the classic version is made without alc.

If you mean “often” 1 times a month, it’s certainly not unhealthy. You can eat Tiramisu every 2-4 weeks. But of course you have to pay attention to yourself, so never eat too much of it. There are recipes where you can minimize sugar content and fat content.

1 month ago
Reply to  Marc14606

If you follow the recipe exactly. I would take a decaffeinated coffee instead of this 350ml espresso. This is better because according to real recipe a very strong coffee is used. The most difficult is to separate the egg yolk from the egg clear. To do this, you should look at youtube videos so you can see exactly how this is going. But all in all, it may take only 10-15 minutes. Then when everything is done, you just have to put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

1 month ago

Tiktok contains sooo much bullshit… there everyone can post his murks.