Italienisch: was bedeuten lo, si, ci, ne auf deutsch genau?
1. Was bedeuten diese kleine wörter?
2. Welche wortart sind es
3. Welche ähnlivhe wörter gibt es noch in der kategorie?
4. Bitte ein beispielsatz 🥺🥰
Danke schonmal im voraus🥰dankidanki
Z. B. schmecken Penne etwas anders als Spaghetti und die wiederum anders als Schmetterlinge (habe vergessen wie die heißen). Aber warum? Eigentlich soll die Form der Nudeln keinen Einfluss auf den Geschmack haben. Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein? LG Zane
Hallo, ich bin noch ein Anfänger beim Zeichnen, aber ich würde gerne Katzen, jedoch nicht nur normale, realistische Katzen, sondern auch Katzen, die sich wie Menschen verhalten. Mein Inspiration wäre der Künstler Louis Wain, der ziemlich gut war in Katzen zeichnen, so gut, dass er auch die Katzen sehr, sehr abstrakt zeichnen konnte, was ich…
How do I know if a story is well written or not? I can hardly judge my own writing neutrally. So how do you do that?
For example: I enjoy spending time O/organizing and P/planning.
Personal pronouns: it / it
Reflexive pronouns, 3. Person Sg. + Pl. (sich): si lava / si lavano
Pronomen (man): Normalmente qui si mangia all sette.
Reflexive pronouns, 1. P. Pl. (us): Ci vediamo domani!
Localadverb/Partikel (dort, there): A Roma ci vado a maggio e ci resto per un mese.
When lo, la, li, le it changes (for phonetic reasons) c):
“Hai ancora il giornale di ieri?” – “No, non ce l’ho più, mi spiace.”
ne – We already had 😉
Gennnnaaaaooouuuuuuuuuu now I remembered the use of si exactly!!!! Si mangia blablab jajajajajajajajajajaja
Jaaaaaaaaaaaa omgomgomgimggg
You are simply classy! 🤭🤗э!э️💕э️💕э️💕э️💕 ️💕э️💕э️💕 ️💕
Are there any language books you can recommend to me?
What do you mean, “language books”?
Thank you for the star! 😊
Grazie mille 😘mwuaah😘 un bacio !
Ho capito.
There are, of course, grammars that you can buy – independent, such as these
or also supplements to school books.
And then there are also online pages:
I mean, if there are English or Italian German books/workbooks that you would recommend personally, where you can also learn grammatics etc so books where I can find the answer directly in it. 🤗
If lo is a pronoun, it means “great”, then one would have to call: la “they” = a woman, “li” = several men and le “they” = several men or men and women mixed. If things are meant, you may have to rethink in German: la sedia= the chair. La vedo = I see him
1. says my translation program:
lo – the
si – yes
ci – there
ne – neither
Not so much. The equation with a single German word is rather wrong.
“lo” is an article or an object pronoun.
lo zucchero = sugar
Lo vedo. = I see him. / I see it.
Hai anchora abbastanza vino? (Yes, I still have one.)
It is therefore always related.
To use Google translators here is useless.
What is the difference between sì, ne ho ancora and sì, ce l’ho ancora? I have always heard ce and used instead of ne of ne I have heard more in school what belongs
Ce l’ho ancora. = I still have it.
Ne ho ancora. = I have something else. (“ne” refers here to an indefinite amount.)