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2 years ago

Breeding salmon are still fat cold water fish, so they also contain the omega acids. But as written by others, there are criticisms about their diet and possible parasites. It would be necessary to research the breeders in order to learn more about the posture conditions.

2 years ago

Healthy is relative,

If the Auquculture is true.

Is often enough in the media that he has either too much antibiotics, or. Just parasites.

2 years ago

Fish is generally healthy. Because of fish oils and vitamin D. This will also apply to breeded animals. It can be that natural salmon deposits are a bit healthier.

2 years ago


They are bred in ring nets and fed with pellets, these pellets are preserved with a plant protection product which is prohibited as such in Germany I once saw in a docu.

The salmon healthy is because he usually has a lot of omega3 to develop this but he must eat crustaceans. breeding salmon can’t

So if salmon please wild salmon

2 years ago

No, it is fed with anhydrous feed from Chile.

2 years ago

All but that.

What do you think Eskimo women have the most contaminated breast milk?

Aquacultures regularly show people with gas masks to put the chemicals into the water.

1 year ago

No, only wild salmon is healthy.