Ist zu viel Obst ungesund?
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Danke für alle Antworten🫶🏻
Trinke viel Coca-Cola Zero Sugar täglich mindestens 1 Tasse.
Habe gerade vom Bauern Eier geholt und eins sieht so verformt aus. Was ist das? Kann man das noch essen?
…kühlt dieser dann schon ab, nachdem das kochende Wasser kurz zuvor aus dem Wasserkocher genommen wurde? Oder ist das schon gefährlich als Risiko für Speiseröhrenvarizen ?
Leute wie findet ihr die neue redbull Sorte die Pinke Spring Edition zuckerfrei?! Ich finde es absolut scheußlich das ich kaum glauben kann das redbull das ernst meint, schmeckt Orginal nach Aspirin riecht nach wc Reiniger und der Nachgeschmack ist so wiederlich das man komische Grimassen ziehen muss,, MEINE MEINUNG wie findet ihr es?
Das Saure an Center Shocks ist doch das Äußere und der Kern also das Center ist süß. Wieso dann die Bezeichnung “Center” Shock?
ist es normal dass die Kapern so aussehen obwohl sie noch bis 07/2025 haltbar sind?
Whatever, too much is too much and always unhealthy. You can kill yourself with water.
Fruit contains more or less much sugar. Therefore too much fruit is certainly not healthy, despite the vitamins and nutrients. But that’s not supposed to mean that you’re putting fruit completely. Fruit is part of a healthy diet.
But only if you would really eat more than 6 – 7 pieces of fruit every day, then that with the fruit sugar is really a bit unhealthy.
yes, the many fructose and the fruit acids.
Yes definitely. Fruit contains a lot of sugar and should therefore not be the main ingredient of daily diet, but only supplement.
Yeah, it is.
In particular, the strongly fruit sugar and fertilized varieties are unhealthy in large quantities.
Fruit sugar is as harmful to health as industrial sugar.
And fruit acid attacks the teeth.
Vegetables are much healthier.
Too much is always unhealthy… no matter what it is
as in all things, the dose makes the poison
Yes, since fruit is basically only water and sugar with vitamins
Fruit in small quantities is healthy.
Yes, it is. where then again the question is what is too much. Until 500g I think I’m okay, but it doesn’t have to be absolutely. All about a kilo in no case healthy
No, as long as you look at the calories, you get a lot of healthy substances.
Paying for calories makes most people really sick. No healthy person has to pay attention to calories. This is just causing incredible control stress.
Healthy people know what they wanted to eat and listen to the gut feeling.