Ist zu viel gesundes Fett schlecht?

Moin, momentan mache ich mir immer einen Masseshake um auf meine Kalorien zu kommen wegen Massephase

Nur habe ich da eben immer so 100g Erdnussbutter drin, manchmal auch magerquark mit 20% Fett oder so und damit esse ich häufig so 130-150g Fett am Tag

Normalerweise ist zuviel Fett natürlich schlecht, aber mein Fett kommt eben zum großteil von Erdnussbutter, Nüssen, Fisch, Eier etc.

Wenns hochkommt esse ich vllt 1 wirklich ”ungesunde” Mahlzeit nach der schule

Wie sieht ihr das? Ist das schlimm?

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2 years ago

Quark with 20% fat is not a “Magerquark”.

In principle, there is nothing against feeding yourself abundantly with natural fats. You then have much less cravings.

It is only necessary to see that this does not overcrow energy.

2 years ago

Hello you don’t need any extra fat, that’s a myth, because you can use more fat than muscles

2 years ago

No, that is not unhealthy in itself, but exactly the opposite.

Also note that you take enough cholesterol and saturated fats to you. Very important for the hormones, especially testosterone.

2 years ago

How many healthy fats a day?

The risk of unhealthy Reduce weight gain is recommended for adults, maximum 30 % of food energy in the form of Fat to record. This corresponds to a maximum of 65 g Fat per Date (approx. 6.5 tablespoons Fat) for an average adult (for a calorie intake of 2,000 kcal).

Fat –

2 years ago
Reply to  Mamue1968

Are too many unsaturated fatty acids unhealthy?

They should also take care of the fats and oils they take. It is not done with, as far as possible many unsaturated fatty acids to eat – it could easily be the wrong. Who only uses sunflower or distle oil, increases many Omega-6Fats up. This can even promote inflammation in the long term.

Good fat, bad fat – health

2 years ago

Yes, as with almost everything if you eat too much it’s bad you can only eat certain amounts.



2 years ago

Peanut butter is not the best you can eat.

2 years ago
Reply to  ThomasErtl1993

in small quantities destined irrelevant, but larger quantities I would not eat.