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1 month ago

Depending on what exactly now is the point, both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Goat milk is considered to be more digestible in contrast to cow’s milk, it has smaller fat molecules, which makes digestion easier.
Goat milk contains less alpha-S1 casein (is not unselten a protein that triggers allergies and is more strongly present in cow’s milk).
Also, goat’s milk contains a little less lactose (about 10-15% less) can therefore be an alternative in the case of a slight lactose intollerance (is not lactose-free)
Also, goat’s milk contains more medium-chain fatty acids that are burned faster than energy, therefore less are stored by the body. Has a higher proportion of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and potassium as cow’s milk and is considered to be less anti-inflammatory as it contains fewer proteins.
Goat milk, however, has a stronger own taste, quite distinctive and not something for everyone, is also more expensive and is not guided in any supermarket. Even for strong milk allergy sufferers, goat’s milk is no alternative, as it contains less alpha-S1 -casein, but casein is still present, therefore no alternative for people with a rich milk protein allergy.
Compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk contains less vitamin B12 and folic acid and can be a bit disadvantageous for vegetarians or pregnant women as an alternative.

So, when it comes to slightly digestible and generally better contractable milk, goat’s milk has the nose at the front.
For vitamin B12 and more pleasant taste (taste is naturally dependent on the person) cow’s milk is the better choice.

1 month ago


Why should goat’s milk be healthier than cow’s milk?

The taste is in need of reconciliation. Nothing for me.

1 month ago

This is also a matter of taste. Goat milk doesn’t like everyone for a long time! I don’t think it’s healthier./

1 month ago

No, both milk is not intended for humans.

1 month ago

It has long been known that this is not the case. You can also get the nutrients that are in the milk elsewhere.

1 month ago

Otherwise it would be Quark!

1 month ago
Reply to  Takasha


1 month ago
Reply to  Takasha

That’s why babies get Cola….

1 month ago
Reply to  AlterLeipziger

Who talks about human milk? And whether a baby needs milk or an adult is also a huge difference.

1 month ago

okay, it doesn’t help discuss with you. 🤣

1 month ago

Oh, probably belongs to the newer “food” industry. All right. These allergies are only caused by the whole chemical additives, so that livelihoods remain “sustainable” in the supermarket for a long time. Is also super easy if everything is “fresh” as just harvested – hahaha

1 month ago

You have no idea of the human body. The whole digestive system changes from baby to adult. And it’s not designed for milk later. Lactose intolerance also does not come from anywhere and the increased cancer risk.

1 month ago

Oh, you still think babies get only milk of mama? That would ruin the figure….
And if babies get that and get that big, is it harmful to adults?

1 month ago


both flock when they are sick, you notice very quickly. You can still eat them as a quark.

Best regards from Leipzig

1 month ago
Reply to  AlterLeipziger

What are you talking about?

1 month ago
Reply to  Takasha

Of sick milk. Okay, you only know H-milk but normal, unused milk, flocks after a while and if you let them stand longer, Quark will get out of it!
The questioner asked for healthy milk.

1 month ago

Oh, the part was reproaching for me – just like for the others who answered here. Conclusion, this question went completely empty or is it clear now whether goat or cow’s milk is healthier?

1 month ago

You. Can’t even read to the second line.

1 month ago

Oh, you nix German?

1 month ago

Oh, that’s why you’re the one who’s answering.

1 month ago

Goat milk healthy?

Was asked and the opposite is healthy? You know that?

1 month ago

Don’t tell me what I know and what I don’t. He asks what’s healthier and you’re talking about quark and diseases.