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5 months ago

Depends on that. If you are connected to 866 MBit/s in Wi-Fi and write to your 1000 MBit/s NAS at full speed, then you are faster in WLAN than in the 5G mobile network at 500 MBit/s.

But if you’re connected to 1200 MBit/s in Wi-Fi, but your router only hangs on a 250 MBit/s DSL line, that’s only half as fast as in the 5G mobile radio network with 500 MBit/s. It doesn’t take advantage of your whole great Wi-Fi speed if the internet connection is slower!

5 months ago

depends on the mobile data and on which internet connection the WLAN depends

But I can tell you one thing… my PC at the fixed-network internet shoves up to 140MB per second from the internet. DAS does not create via WLAN or mobile Internet

5 months ago

Depends on…If you have vodafone as WLAN, even the cheap mobile data are better.

5 months ago

It always comes to the speed behind it!!

If I have DSL with 25 Mbit and 54 Mbit Wlan, then 50Mbit mobile data is faster.

5 months ago
