Ist Wien schöner oder Mannheim?
Als Stadt
Als Stadt
Ist Lane Splitting (Filtern) in Deutschland erlaubt?
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Vienna is always chosen to be the most beautiful city, or something….
I am currently in Vienna for 1 week and Vienna is very nice, but it comes to the district 🙂
There are bad holes,but also TRAUMHAFTE places 🙂
Probably both beautiful cities, was not yet in both. In my experience, however, capitals would simply give a malus. A capital automatically attracts strange audiences and dirt you just don’t have in a normal city. So also normal cities have their bad neighborhoods, but capitals just reach different levels.
Nonsense – after that, Mannheim would have to be capital 🤣
Mannheim? No comparison to beautiful Vienna. The surroundings of Mannheim are quite beautiful and diverse. Heidelberg with the Neckartal, the Palatinate with Speyer, Worms, Mainz….
Mannheim has never been a beautiful city, but Vienna has been awarded to the repeated painting, as the most worth living city.
In 2022 and 2023, the city had been appointed the most liveable city. “Thanks to the intimidating Viennese population, this excellent result is no coincidence. It is an award for all Viennese people,” said Vienna’s Mayor Michael Ludwig.27.06.2024
One of the top attractions in Mannheim is the Baroque Castle (accompanied today by the University with numerous faculties) and the Water Tower (applies as a landmark of Mannheim). Popular among the Mannheim sites are the Planetarium, the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum and the Kunsthalle.
Vienna once again to the most lively city in the world – Time
I was once in Vienna and never in Mannheim but would suspect Vienna. But I found Prague more beautiful than Vienna. The special thing about Vienna is that it is actually very clean there. for that it is somehow known and can confirm it.
I personally find the comparison a little “shrill”. ðŸ ̃‰ I feel him about how to compare an elegant top-class car with a bag car that still lacks a wheel above. 😂
Now the local patriots will definitely come and find Mannheim great.
I’ve been there for a long time. One remembers that there are coordinates instead of roads and house numbers in the center.
And in Opus 5, we fed well.
Vienna is a joke to compare it.
Hey, Vienna is much more beautiful. It has a lot more flair.
Definitely. This is true for most cities
Vienna is 100% more beautiful. No comparison at all! 😅
What a question. to compare Mannheim with Vienna. Vienna is a world city. Mannheim cannot compete with this.
Vienna. A Mannheim speciality is a pastry that the dog’s jersey on Mannheim’s streets is following: Men’s Dirt. That says everything.
I go to Mannheim for shopping once/two times a week. The streets are getting dirty, particularly wide street, planks and behind the squares.
I think Vienna is much more beautiful and cleaner.
I’ve never been to Mannheim
But is the city not in the top 10 of the ugly cities in de?
This certainly not, but also not in the Top10 of the most beautiful
Not in the top 10 but also top 3
Never been to Mannheim.
Just starting from optics and architecture, you really missed nix. 😉
Both have their charm. I would prefer Vienna because of the friendly atmosphere. In D, mAn no longer has a good mood.
True, but to trams I have to say: I usually hate trams because the tracks are a risk of falling for motorcycles, and the overheads prevent treetops and make the sky steal. But in Vienna the trams have a special appeal. With their pendants they act a little like children’s toys and contribute to the cozy atmosphere.
Much more beautiful!
produkt️AstridDerPu fifa️🤍