Ist weniger waschen gesünder für die Haut?

Hallo, und zwar ist zurzeit in Amerika der Trend cleansing reduction im Umlauf was bedeutet so viel wie weniger waschen nun di Caprio ashton Kutscher sind solche Anhänger und schwören darauf, wenn man sich selten duscht, das man etwas Gutes für die Haut und für die Umwelt tut nun letztens hatte ich ein Gespräch mit meinem Hautarzt und er meinte zu mir das man nicht gegen sein eigenes Hygiene empfinden, agieren sollte sprich, wenn man Sport macht, arbeitet oder viel schwitzt sollte man schon mindestens zweimal täglich Duschen.

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2 years ago

As long as you don’t wash much sickly, you can also go showering twice a day. For the environment, it is necessary to unite with its conscience and you can think about dispensing with shampoo and washing with water only to protect the skin flora.

2 years ago

They say that too much shower is not good for the skin. But in the summer I also shower twice a morning and 1 time in the evening, as I just don’t like to run sweaty through the area and then find myself dirty

2 years ago

Less showers can be more advantageous for the skin, also saves water and energy.

I’d feel uncomfortable.

compromise: I shower very briefly with warm water and place the shower during the soap. And I also screwed in a water saving bulb between the shower head and the shower hose.

2 years ago

Yes, but often comes to the detergent (soap).

2 years ago

Should be really good for the skin and after weeks it shouldn’t be so awkward.

But recommend a piece of organic soap, much better than today’s liquid soaps.

Gives good olive soap, it’s costing.

Muffles aren’t so much liked in our society.

2 years ago

Sometimes it’s less. Even only water, without shower gel, drys the skin.

2 years ago

It’s better for the environment.

How often you smell, and to what extent depends on the respective needs.

If I’m sweating all day like a mess and only showering every three days, because that’s just telling anyone on the internet, that’s not a good idea.

2 years ago
Reply to  Workaholic2023


You don’t have to soap every day and shower for a quarter of an hour at 40 degrees.

Everything with measure and goal.