Ist Weisheitszähne ziehen schlimm?
mir werden morgen meine Weisheitszähne gezogen (alle 4) und ich hab sehr Angst davor. Ich hab zwar Tabletten bekommen und bekomme morgen anscheinend noch ne Spritze aber ich hab Angst dass es trotzdem weh tut.
Ich bin wirklich sehr nervös (vor allem weil ich auch sehr Schmerz empfindlich bin) und deswegen hab ich ein paar Fragen:
tut es sehr weh während dem Ziehen und danach?
was kann ich essen und was nicht?
Werden meine backen sehr “dick”?
wie lange braucht es meistens zum heilen?
stimmt es dass man danach Blut spuckt?
wie lange dauert die OP?
danke im Voraus! 🙂
You can hardly feel that pulling the teeth through the anesthesia. Listen to the noises, can be a crack. You can eat the first days suppen, brei and softer, but only eat when the anesthesia is completely gone. I didn’t have to. Cooling cooling helps cool. But best not through cool but half an hour cool half an hour break. The first days on sugar, cola coffee and black tea forgot. Also smoke and alcohol drink the first time. How strong the pains will be different for everyone. but also painkillers. when prescribed an antipotic will take this completely to send. so good is the teeth with a soft toothbrush, best brush a child toothbrush. It will bleed, which is why one would add the first hour to a hit, so it looks like a kind of pressure bandage. Healing takes depending on the depth and depending on how much bone must be removed depending on how far the whiteness teeth out there are 1 to 2 weeks. the op can last between 20 min and 60 min depending on how complex the op is possibly longer in rare cases.
I pulled them last year and I had neither pain nor thick jaws. I cooled it after the treatment and it was forgotten.
Pulling doesn’t hurt, it’s just a little unpleasant through the pressure. For the first time only spicy food.. Depends on how the teeth lie in the jaw and how deep the wound is, about 1.5 to two weeks.
It bleeds strongly, you get something in your mouth, which will catch the bleeding, but you can rinse your mouth regularly.
At four teeth about 30-45 minutes.
Drink a lot of pineapple juice. Promotes healing and also it has severe anti-inflammatory effects.
Only a small tip by the way :))