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So toast in itself is not soooo healthy now, but you can eat it occasionally, but then really better the whole grain variant. Better is in any case correct whole grain bread or black bread. You can eat full-grained toast sometimes, but just because it’s full-grain, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy.
What are these some stupid answers and even if it is “full grain” toast it is unhealthy has just too much calories and a similar high sugar content as with normal white toast would be normal bread
Just as “unhealthy” as “normal”. In the “full grain toast” is as much whole grain in it as in a carving…. all only colored flour.
Normal toast is unhealthy, but whole grain is not. Eat it easy and if you worry about it, keep your bread yourself.
No. Why would it be unhealthy?
No. Why would that be unhealthy?
Heroin is very unhealthy. Without parachute jumping out of the plane is unhealthy.
Bread is bread
No everything with whole grain is quite healthy
eat it easy – and read less bullshit about food
What the fuck you are just an ignorant person who has no idea of healthy diet🤦 ♂️🤦 ♂️
This depends more on the coating.
Better than toast from white flour.
Healthy would be a decent whole grain bread with grains.
What an absurd question! Is mountain air very unhealthy?