Ist Vinted sicher?
Hallo, ich habe vor paar tagen paar Klamotten auf Vinted reingestellt und heute eine Nachricht bekommen das mein Artikel gekauft wurde daraufhin hab ich den QR-Code gescannt und dann stand da ich soll meine Kartennummer, Name des Karteninhabers, Gültigkeit und CVV Nummer eingeben noch dazu ist komisch da ich den Artikel für 3,00€ Reingestellt hab und bei der Nachricht stand „Total 15€“ Dann sagte mein Vater das es nicht sein kann und erstmal gucken soll da man die CVV Nummer nur zum zahlen nutzt. Ist das ein Betrugversuch oder muss ich da wirklich das alles angeben?
I’ve already sold something at vinted a few times – I don’t know. I wouldn’t.
It’s a fraud, don’t do it. Not that the fraudster will empty your account, complete orders or subscriptions at your expense. I know it from the QR code. But more often, this scammasche also makes the round at vinted.
Be careful, don’t give any data from you.
Best regards
Something happened to me by classifieds. Not only via classifieds themselves, but also via e-mail.
If you have a strange abdominal feeling, or strange data is required, never go on!
For example, a message was sent to me at classifieds where someone wrote “Your article was bought. Give e-mail address, bank connection, etc.,” under the banner of classifieds themselves, “Give never personal data to buyer” (from the point of view)
They try it everywhere and someone who has your name, card number, expiration date and CVV can theoretically pay anywhere on the internet via your account.
That’s not real, that’s a fraud!
If you get money from someone, he doesn’t ask you for a card number but bank account and not for the CVV number!!!
I’d be extremely careful.
First, you should check the status of your article at Vinted himself.
Then Vinted should also write you who bought and where to go.
If the buyer has really paid over the VInted app, but you do not want to do so, you will still have to wait until the deadline is over, or to indicate to Vinted that the purchase will be cancelled, then the buyer will get his money back, come back with the buyer if it is a real sale, maybe you will agree.
I personally believe that one at Vinted must change absolutely and absolutely. the compulsion to pay via the app MUSS is omitted!
At is also possible. you can at least select the function (selected) that would be enough for Vinted. But I can still do better if you have to book it explicitly. like to apply some “aggressive”:
e.g. if you click on “ready” a dialog box comes again:
Lg, Nicki
With the QR code these are fraud attempts.
Vinted is a paradise for cheaters and especially Verificationbuyers are zoomed.
Selling best only with personal pickup and cash payment – this is 100% safe.