Ist Verwirrung stärker als die Wahrheit?

Ich habe letztens einen “Drogenentzug” begonnen (saufen, rauchen, kiffen). Am ersten Tag war ich komplett zerschmettert, am zweiten Tag war alles wieder ok. Ich war auch in der Zwischenzeit mehrmals feiern (alles mögliche konsumiert) und verspürte nachher keine Sucht. Kann ich mir die “Sucht” nur eingebildet haben, weil ich außerordentlich viel konsumiert habe? Habe bis vor kurzem 6 Monate komplett durchgejunkt.

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2 years ago

Can I just imagine the “search” because I have consumed a lot?

Not every regular consumption necessarily means a addiction.

I started a “drug withdrawal” (super, smoke, ciff). On the first day I was completely crushed, on the second day everything was okay. I was also celebrating several times in the meantime (all possible consumed)

One can ask how much a withdrawal, where more or less is consumed regularly, is a withdrawal.

2 years ago

If you can stop it immediately and have no need for fabric, that’s not a real addiction.

2 years ago

Well. What do you mean to celebrate in the meantime? Did you just stop after that without any urge to continue? , without that it aches you?

2 years ago
Reply to  nutzer728183

Yes then you are still in a critical phase