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Is the question now an understatement or an inconsistent assertion?
If you say “Vaping” by “Sucht”, it can only mean an antrained habit, because otherwise E-cigarettes do not have any search potential.
Possibly, your question applies to some people. The same way, however, the mass certainly passes completely.
Isn’t it embarrassing you to keep moving with that thing on your mouth?
I beg you, grow up
How do you take the right to judge what you can neither judge nor judge strange persons with you?
So how do you want to know and classify my uses?
So how would you like to guess if I had something on my mouth?
I beg you… I’ll grow up myself and don’t lean too far out of your window with your prejudices. You could crash deep unexpectedly.
And now seriously, what exactly should be embarrassing me? That I’ve been standing on the desk for some of my devices all day and just looking at them? That I – if I want it – turn on one of the devices and pull it on?
What exactly is that supposed to be embarrassing?
It’s more embarrassing the people who make themselves ridiculous.
You can talk and justify yourself. – That’s what you’re looking at.
You can talk and justify yourself. I evaporated months myself and find it pathetic.
No… it’s not.