Is vaping extremely harmful?

I'm 14 and used to vape a little bit—not much at a time, but definitely a hit every day from my friends, so maybe two vapes in total. My mom found out about it and now says it's extremely dangerous and extremely bad, so I'm worried I might get cancer or something.

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2 months ago

Vape-Liquids contain chemicals such as propylene glycol and glycerol, which can release harmful substances when heated. There are indications that these substances can irritate the respiratory tract and cause long-term damage. A few trains over a limited period are probably not as harmful as regular and strong vapors. Your body has an amazing ability to recover, especially if you’re still young and stop now. You have control, and the sooner you stop, the better for your health. What I usually do when I try something new. acquire knowledge, inform yourself about the risks of vaping, in order to better resist future temptations.

2 months ago
Reply to  EllaSara

such as propylene glycol and glycerol, which can release harmful substances when heated.

Yeah, they can. However, not in commercially available e-cigarettes, which with their protective circuits and tensile length limitations already ensure that the temperatures necessary for this are not achieved at all.

This works with deliberately manipulated devices. And in this case this is no longer the e-cigarette that causes it, but the user himself!

2 months ago

I’m 14

and therefore have to leave the fingers of any kind of tobacco products.
Or are there special laws for you that set the minimum age required by the legislator for you?

2 months ago

Do you want tongue cancer?

2 months ago
Reply to  juriwyss

Are you still asking? A fellow patient in the KH had a tongue carcinoma of this, still questions?

2 months ago
Reply to  Marzipan3

Do you want tongue cancer?

Do you want to spread bullshit?

2 months ago

If you don’t want to hear the truth, don’t ask.