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Vape is English and means e-cigarette in German.
to vape (engl.) = steam
Why should steam be smoking? Steam is steaming.
An e-cigarette can only be smoked in which you burn it…
Smoke is created by a combustion process. Such a does not exist in E-cigarettes.
Only one liquid is used for e-cigarettes (liquid). The liquid is heated until it is temporarily evaporated. This means that the liquid changes its aggregate state from liquid to gaseous in the short term in order to change back to the old aggregate state shortly thereafter.
Smoke and steam are common…
All good… and stays healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
No smoking. It is also an inhalation, however, of steam. That’s why many “steams” say.
In both physical and health terms, smoke and steam are to be assessed completely differently.
Smoke is what rises from the burning firewood. Steam is what comes from the pot with the noodle water, which is heated above the campfire. Burned wood never gets wood again. Evaporated water condenses back to water.
Steaming commercial e-cigarettes/vaps is much less harmful than smoking no matter what.
Since no parts of plants burn in the vape, this is strictly not smoking.
No. Nothing burns in the vapor, so no smoke is created.
But torment
Qualm is the same as smoke and arises when something burns. When vaping, nothing burns and only steam arises.
Of course smoke is created!!
No. Smoke arises when something burns. In the e-cigarette, nothing burns. Or will you get smoke out of your kettle when you put up tea water?
But smoke arises
When smoke is created when vaping, your vape is broken.
Maximum language.
However, smoke or smoke as a product of a combustion is something completely different than steam. Or would you say smoke rises from your potato pot when cooking?
Certainly not, I’ve been steaming for six years, I can’t even know.
You don’t know what a vape is
Well, if it’s qualms then qualms. Steam is also good.
No, steam
Just not smoke as unhealthy as cigarettes