Ist unser Universum eine Zelle?

Zeit ist ja Relativ…
Warum nicht auch Größe?

Wir als Mensch Größe 1 haben 1:1.000.000…blabla und 1.000.000…blabla :1 entdeckt.

Was ist, wenn unser Universum, eine Zelle ist?
Und “Schwarze Löscher” Parasiten, von anderen Zellen/Universen sind?
Sind wir eine Bakterie, in einer Bakterie und haben Bakterien, auf einer Bakterie usw…?

Werden uns in 1.000.000…blabla Jahren Schwarze Löcher “aufsaugen” oder “andersrum”?

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1 year ago

asking how our university is structured, or whether there are others, which is the secret of the “black holes”, etc., the fantasy for ideas and suggestions is set no limits.

the problem is only that there is no one with certainty knows, or that up to today there is no evidence for the escape to a relatively good indication (the cosmic background radiation of 2.7° kelvin).

1 year ago

This also depends on what a cell is for you, what characteristics of it you want to transfer to the universe, and what differences you want to ignore that is not already “no” as an inevitable answer.

For a striking difference would be, for example, that the universe is regarded as the totality of space, matter, energy – which is not the case for a cell, as usually understood.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bushmills145

Ahh ok, nja with cells I mean biological cells, for example in humans.
Because they can grow and/or share hyperplasia and hypertrophie.
My thought was when the universe expands, so it gets bigger, it has to end.
Yes I “believe” that there is more than one universe, but not this multiverse stuff of movies.
I’m thinking more of the direction from atom to cell,
cell to bacteria,
bacteria to humans,
Human to Planet etc…
Why should it stop at universe?
Here we are again on the subject of “size”, which is practically the space, and this is already relative. I answered this question myself.

But if the end is not the end, but the beginning of a new “universum” quasi as in cells…
And black extinguishers are a certain part of a process that is “cell” division?

1 year ago

According to the definition of universe, a “other” universe would not be another universe, but part of the universe. And no, the universe is not a biological human cell.

1 year ago

As I said, “It also depends on what a cell is for you.” If you use a biological, human cell as a reference, any similarities do not arise, and an answer must necessarily be “no”. An apple, an egg or a bowling ball also have bubble shape, and are enveloped (shell, air) – then to conclude that the universe is an egg or a bowling ball, likewise (not) close.

You may have offered a form of cell as a reference, in which similarities to the universe are not more obvious than that of an apple, an ice or a bowling ball.

“Period system other topic” – Yes, right.

1 year ago

If you’re just trying to get my question into the ridiculous, I ask you to leave this discussion.
If that’s not the case, ignore my first sentence.
I’ll explain it differently.
Bacteria have a bubble shape, so they are enveloped.
The human also(Haut), as well as our planet(Ozon layer)
Now “something” larger galaxy clusters are enveloped by Voids(empty space).
But there is NOT the “Nothing”!
Our period system is also still “updated” where I believe it will never be completed. But that’s another issue.

1 year ago

The others will now say no .

But yes it is actually as you say only in different relations and dimensions. And if all a spirit dwells, then why not black holes .

When I was younger, I had a similar thesis about which the universe was not similar to a clockwork. According to planets and stars, what if the entire Galaxy reacts to each other is similar to a movement. But the expansion came in.

Today I think that the universe is the effects of equilibrium. I could do this 200 now. describing lines and awarding my impulses to this, but that was not question :p

Lg and miauuz

1 year ago
Reply to  LionDaMahr6200

If you’re still using commas while writing, you can write the 200 lines. Otherwise it was terrible, and there was no jack on dictate. ^^
So let your thoughts go free.
New perspectives are always welcome!

1 year ago

Tell me. Did you smoke anything?

All we see or seem is just a dream within a dream.

1 year ago
Reply to  nematode

Sure, there were some beers in there.
The global problems were too bad for me, needed something bigger ^^

1 year ago

And then you’ll come with such a fucking stuff?

1 year ago

Or would you prefer if I asked?
Why people expect their fingers in the decimal area and not in binary.

1 year ago

Why not? Needed bite distraction.