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What does mother mean in apple vinegar?
In the original unfiltered cider vinegar you will see a cloudy mass swimming around. This contains fiber and all good nutrients of apple vinegar. People call them the mother (The Mother). Clear cider vinegar is filtered and no longer contains the “mother”.20.12.2022
Why use apple cider vinegar with the mother? – Amanvida
I know what this is
Trüber apple cider vinegar is with mother…
is there…
that is better because of the nutrients…
Then why do you ask?
Ty, you weren’t meant. You know that
It’s just Clickfishing.
Think you’re not able to understand what it is about
If you know the answer, don’t ask.
Read the question again
Trüber is not filtered. If a vinegar nut is in it, it is probably on the packaging (such as Mazzetti Bio Natur apple cider vinegar with vinegar).