Ist Telegramm illegal zu installieren?
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A telegram is sent to the post office. You can not only install the Messenger Telegram, but also use it.
No. Also not using.
No, but have to fulfill the conditions to use
What do you mean?
So I don’t know exactly how many years it’s allowed but it’s probably determined as an example
Why would it? It’s just a messenger..
Could I get punishment for it
If you send children’s porn with it.
If it were, it would no longer be from Google Play Store.
Laber everyone says this is illegal
“Everyone” is who? The usual “I hear my buddy from the father of his girlfriend from her aunt?
How the hell do you think Telegram would be illegal?.
So I know the telegram is illegal but to use
Then you know what really wrong telegram is just as illegal as good question – so not at all.
I meant to use
Don’t Gaaaar!
No, how do you get that idea?
Just wondering
Yeah, but what do you think? Did someone tell you?
Let’s talk privately