Ist Tageslinsen besser oder Monatslinsen?


ich muss immer Kontaktlinsen tragen , da ich meine Nase operiert habe.
Ich habe immer Tageslinsen getragen ,da ich denke das es hygienischer ist , denkt ihr ich soll lieber Monatslinsen tragen ?
Ich komme mit meine Kontaktlinsen auch zurecht bis jetzt. Aber wegen Kosten da ist Monatslinsen günstiger oder , aber ich habe wegen Hygiene Angst !

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1 year ago


With your day lenses, you are very well suited as I can read out from your question.

Whether monthly lenses are suitable for your eyes, your contact lens adaptor/eye optician must decide again; because there are also many varieties in these lenses. The oxygen permeability of the lens material – in combination with your daily wearing time – must be taken into account, also which care agent (disinfection, cleaning agent for monthly-CL) is associated with your tear film composition.

due to costs, monthly lenses are cheaper or

Not necessarily. This is where the care agent comes to you. You’ll have to do that later.

Simple (from time) and more hygienic are day-CL safe. But you don’t need to be afraid of monthly lenses if you follow all the hygiene rules of the adaptor. Also, you should always perceive the interval-wise post-checks of the adaptor to your eye health – regular post-checks you also have with day lenses.

1 year ago

I’ve been wearing day-and-night contact lenses for many years, which can be seen throughout the month. So get in the eye and rest for a month. You don’t need any cleaning agents, you know. And as I said, I’ve been doing great since 2011.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ninasworld99

I pay about 115€ in half year for the lenses (6 pairs).

1 year ago

It is primarily a cost factor. Although you need additional care for monthly lenses, day lenses are more expensive per month. The advantage of day lenses is that the care effort is eliminated, which I have been approx. 25 years not find bad (for 10 years Biofinity®). Above all, I would be advised by the optician and wear lenses to the test.

1 year ago

Depends on your personal needs. Let yourself be advised by your suitor.