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In principle it is worth it!
The Super Plus petrol contains fewer suspended substances.
These are the particles that can add the carburetor.
If your moped is driven regularly it makes more sense to use super.
If you let your car stand a little longer, for example, over the winter, you should make your tank outrageous with Super Plus, as the tank could rust (if plastic is not of course) where there is no O2 there can also be nix gammeln.
However, the other aspect now lies in the preservation of your carburetor the suspended substances or Impurities in the super would complete this.
Conclusion: Driving no.
Overwinter yes.
Oh, my Honda has been in the garage since October, 3/4 full with E10 she hooked to the charger at an hour and had it with the help of the choke within 5 seconds.
With A1 125 lightweight motorcycles from China, not even super is worth the old normal interest completely
because there is no longer enough with the lowest octane number
more is just waste of money and does not bring anything more to power.
The use of octane numbers above the engine specification usually do not have any advantages.
Modern motors with electronicIdentification fieldin combination withClosing sensorscan be driven with different octane numbers at reduced power.
If you would finally leave your opinion-forming and negative statements away, some of your answers would even have a hand and foot.
Welcome to Michael
Every question that has to do with 125s I already know that he swings the “125s are not motorcycles” Keule
In doing so, I have already proved to him several times that the Honda does not build 125s in China and also KTM from which I otherwise nix keep producing in India.
Above all, it is one:
Absolutely unnecessary!!!
Best regards
Let’s say this: it’s not worth it, it’s more money thrown out.
Neither good nor bad, is more expensive but has no negative and also no positive influence on the engine.
Well, it is purer and therefore has a higher efficiency so it already brings minimal power.
The use of octane numbers above the engine specification does not usually have any advantages.
So there is no more performance with racing gasoline with 120 ROZ .
Super+ is neither pure nor has it a higher efficiency. The sprite is only more knock-resistant.
In the upper speed range, fuel consumption even decreases as Super + ignites more cleanly.
Bad, 125s usually do not have a knock sensor and can therefore not process the jump accordingly. In addition, Super+ is more involuntary, more precisely self-ignition involuntary, than one with a lower octane number. So you would need a spark plug with stronger sparks. This may increase the thermal load of your motörchen and it dies earlier.
That’s bullshit. You write more self-ignition-involuntary and claim that you need a stronger spark. Super + is not self-ignited, but externally lit.
I don’t know if the answer is so completely correct and it’s also expressed a little “holprig”, but it’s certainly not a bullshit.
What are you writing for? Ignition
Before you say “squash” you should make yourself smart before.
The word choice “self-ignition involuntary” is new to me, but in principle correct.
So the pressure at which the fuel ignites is higher at Super Plus.
A 125 has seen quite a lot of performance on the engine compartment but even the whole moderns who probably even have a knock control only need 95 octane.
Not every engine that has a knock control can start with 98s automatically.
The corsa of my grandma, according to the operating instructions, has used 91 octane according to the manual, it was possible to drive at least 87.
As soon as you get a better tank than in the manual, it’s nix.
Neither, but if you have too much money I’d like to give you my account number
Well, it is purer and therefore has a higher efficiency so it already brings minimal power.
In the barely measurable range… or do the 125s need 13.3 instead of 13.9 seconds to 100?