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Personally, I do not see it as a solution, because one has not solved the problems behind it. However, I see suicide rather than a way out of the problems.
No way, I love my life.
It’s just what you do.
Listen to your head and live life.
It depends on the problems. It can be a solution for someone who is incurably ill and has only pain and suffers in hell. But there’s also death aid for this. For someone who has love grief or other problems, it is not a solution.
I’d say that depends on the problem…
No, that’s not a solution, before all, you hurt your family, friends and acquaintances with it… rather work on you and try to change your life positively
I’m doing him with a favor, they don’t want to mow
There are always people who like you and who hurt you, believe me. Are you in therapy?
Then give him and you some time. You’re so young, it’ll be better at some point. Good thing wants to be a while
No, it’s NO Solution!!!
Usually not.
Depends on the problem
Eating disorder, SV, depression, anxiety disorders, ugly, no one wants one etc
No. Can you solve everything
Still, I’m out of here now. Can be notified again
Yes, I want to be better, but no one helps me
If you don’t show your own initiative, no
If nobody helps me right
You can
No, not just