Ist Stoff aus Polyester UV- beständig?
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Ist z.b ein Sessel mit Polyester Stoffbezug UV- beständig?
Ich weiss schon das Plastik und anderen Kunstoff UV beständig sind, aber bei Polyester als Stoff konnte ich im Internet nichts finden.
Vielen Dank
Hello Hans19996,
First, “plastics” is not a plastic but only an overhead as well as plastic itself.
Then the very few plastics UV are resistant. Regarding your polyester, it is now important whether it is intended for use in free and it has been equipped accordingly.
If you take a polyester fabric for the interior, it will not be equipped with UV resistant. If you use a substance that is explicitly intended for outdoor applications, you can assume that the exact service life is still not specified.
Thank you for your super answer. I was afraid that I don’t get an answer; well, my indoor armchair isn’t UV protected.
I’d assume you don’t have much pleasure outside with him. Because then the topic of moisture and also the bleaching of the colors come to this.
So if you want to use him for a year, you can put him out.