ist Stau auf der Autobahn illegal?
Es ist doch verboten auf der Autobahn zu halten, es sei denn es liegt eine Panne vor. Sollte dann rein rechtlich, ein Stau welcher nur durch zum Beispiel ein hohes Aufkommen oder eine Baustelle verursacht wurde, illegal sein?
No, because it is not legally “maintain” or “park” (intentional interruptions), but “wait” (an unwanted, traffic-related interruption). And wait is not forbidden on the highway.
For the same reason, the panne is also “authorized”, because this is also an unintentional interruption and therefore neither keep nor park.
Exactly, everyone who brakes there is illegal, you should just get into the vehicles in front of a clean jet.
Man, it’s time that school starts again.
I know you can’t avoid it, but my question was whether it was legally not illegal. It must be realistic that I know I’m not stupid.
No. Still in traffic jam is “participation on traffic”, unlike “holding” according to StVO.
I have my doubts…
That’s why I’m saying, it’s time for school to start again.
He’s not illegal. If something is illegal, then at most, to stop necessary construction measures.
Since it doesn’t hold but counts as waiting (as if you wait for a red light, for example) it is not forbidden.
No. Who is in traffic does not hold, but participates in traffic.
And how should this congestion be avoided? Just drive in the back and push??
with a clearing shield on the front, and we would be on the next dam because of recovery work.
Then you just keep building a street next to it. At some point, there’s no traffic jam again. Everyone sleeps on the street.
that is unavoidable,
we are miles away from Illegal