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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

At the social level “Speed” being the more harmful substance. As regards the potential for damage, however, there are various categories according to which substances can be assessed. In some cases “Ecstasy” in front, in some “Speed”. Further perhaps interesting:

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However, in the hand of the inexperienced and/or overcrowded user, any drug can become the most personal dangerous (cf. Safer use, Drug mouth). In this respect, I do not think this undifferentiated wash-ist-glimmer-denke is very interesting.

Substances from the black market are to be regarded as particularly critical insofar as they are not standardized and without Drugchecking does not know what exactly and how much of it you consume. Among the names “Speed” and “Ecstasy” you often get amphetamine and MDMA, but not always and even if, you don’t know how much of it.

2 years ago

Depends on the amount consumed and whether there is something in it, so to speak

Since both substances are illegal, they are not subject to any purity requirements, i.e. without laboratory controls, in principle they do not know whether or not MDMA or Amphetamines in

In principle, however, both substances are relatively little pure from physical stress.

Speed, however, has a higher addiction potential than MDMA, simply because MDMA no longer works when you consume it too often, but Speed still works with daily intake. Moreover, insomnia is significantly higher at speed, which is also negative against around

Otherwise, you should always inform yourself in advance about Safer Use so that the whole thing runs (relatively) and do not consume until you have not grown up!

2 years ago

Both are as safe as you have learned drug mouth to deal with the respective substances and the substances are clean (without admixtures, extenders).

2 years ago


that comes to the crowd.


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