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Such a division is always difficult because democracy should actually mean how much the majority of the people are involved in decisions in a country. Because this is actually present in almost no country today, there are already new definitions of the concept of democracy, how much the people are involved in the direct election of decision-makers. Although this is not much to do with a democracy. For in such a system it is theoretically possible that 100% of the decisions in a country do not correspond to the will of the majority. Because many states would never admit that they are a bad democracy or are only able to reflect their own system on a political level and criticize it, one is looking for the differences with other states which are better in one’s own state to be able to point to others with the finger and cover all that one does not do well. That’s what makes the whole world. And as there is a great deal of decision-making in Singapore, it would now be necessary to say from a European point of view that Singapore is a dictatorship, all the other would be pure self-slander. Even if there were more decisions in the sense of the people, according to our narrative, the people are simply suppressed by the state and must not have any other opinion.
If one would say that Germany is more socialist than China on certain points, simply on the basis of hard facts, one would be a spider. So Singapore is also a clear dictatorship.
And for everyone else, there’s a normal democracy.
Singapore is not a democracy! Even as a foreigner, you have to be careful, there is a lot of and almost comprehensive surveillance; from the government, but also lived by people, privacy has a completely different (lower) meaning than you are used to by Germany or the EU. In addition, there are certain crimes/destructions for death or deception.
Well, Singapore is regarded as an “incomplete” democracy in place 70 of the democratic index list:
Germany just manages to score 14.
Botswana and Chile are not so bad. Greece is also only an incomplete democracy