Ist sie Alkoholikerin?
Hallo zusammen, meine Mutter ist jedes Mal wenn sie feiern war oder auf einem Geburtstag war betrunken. Aber auch nicht nur ein bisschen angetrunken sondern so das sie kaum noch sprechen und gehen kann. Sie macht dann auch Dinge die sie sonst nicht macht wie z.b. im Haus rauchen. Spreche ich sie an streitet sie immer ab das sie Alkoholikerin ist. Es kommt mindestens einmal die Woche samstags vor . Was kann ich tun fremde Hilfe will sie nicht
Nacoa offers a free anonymous chat every Tuesday at 6:00 for young people suffering from the consequences of drinking alcohol from a parent. Come on. offers-round-the-thema-kinder-aus-suchtfamilie
Drinking every Saturday until the nonsensuality testifies more to the fact that she has a problem in life that she wants to drink away.
Alcoholic, she’s not like she’s sober six out of seven days.
If she doesn’t drink the other six days, she can’t be an alcoholic.
She then lets it crash, which tends to make more fun in society.
Whoever drinks every day and can no longer live without, has a problem. That doesn’t correspond to your description.
Yes, she is, but she will probably not have it, and then unfortunately you can make nix, she must feel a pressure of suffering
The term quarter-strinker refers to a person who repeatedly experiences phases at irregular intervals in which she drinks large amounts of alcohol. This period is characterized by a loss of control, that is to say those affected have the feeling that they cannot stop their consumption.
also that comes in question
As long as she does not drink every day, she is not dependent
You also make a mosquito of an elephant, because your mother is just going to celebrate