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5 months ago

In any case crisis-proof, you always find something. However, wages are usually only collectively or somewhat higher, but they differ according to the federal state. Here in Lower Saxony, €13.90 to €14.30 depending on the application area.

The supplements, 10% in the night service, 50% on weekends and holidays are 100% in Lower Saxony, but this also fluctuates, Hamburg e.g. B. pays 15 % surcharge at night.

Furthermore, 12-hours are most common. If you have to go to work for an hour and drive back, not much of the day.

You would be recommended to look for a provider who also offers the one-week weapons expert (with examination), after existence you may be armed. Because in the jobs where you need to carry cannon (money transport and here and there in the property protection of e.g. barracks, embassies, consulates) the real good merit is win, since you are usually with just under 20 € the hour.

5 months ago

Depends on what exactly you work in the area. There are some possibilities.

I’ve already worked in the armed property protection and in the 5* hotel. Can both be very stressful.

Now I sit at the reception, usually at night, and give access to visitors. Absolutely no stress and easily earned money.

I have already worked hard physically in my life and prefer the security.

5 months ago

You’ll have little stress. If the payment is correct, it’s perfect.

5 months ago

Yes, as the respect for the police goes back and more and more about their security, you’ll find something fast.

So do it.

5 months ago

Very boring job

3 months ago
Reply to  Britney1103

You obviously haven’t had anything to do with the industry, or you wouldn’t say that.