Ist selber ritzen schädlich?
Ist selber ritzen schädlich?
Ist Ritzen lebensbedrohlich?
Kann man am Ritzen sterben?
Gibt es schon Fälle, die an Ritzen gestorben sind? Gibt es dafür Belege und Beweise?
Was passiert, wenn man sich ritzt?
Kann bei Ritzen in die Psychiatrie zwangsringewiesen werden?
Ritzen is harmful, because you hurt yourself.
I say “just” scratching is not life-threatening. For from a certain degree of severity, most affected persons no longer use the term scratches but cutting/self injury in general. And yes, that CAN be life-threatening, but don’t.
As already said, you can’t die from scratching, already cutting.
Yes, several 100000 deaths per year (also on other suicide attempts)
Ritzen becomes very fast a addiction that is difficult to overcome.
Ritzen alone isn’t enough for a forced assignment. As soon as it has been done in a suicidal intent, however, it can be indicted.
Most likely.
You hurt your body, which hurts you physically and mentally.
In serious cases, perhaps
You can die indirectly, usually from accidents. Dangerous place and too deep.
There can be blood poisoning
Ritzen can potentially be life-threatening. Depends on where and how deep you cut. It also leaves unsightly scars.
I can confirm this with the scars 🥲
Wounds inflame,blood poisoning100.html infections-32935324.html
So, yes, you can die on the cat!
Blood poisoning by germs/filthy “tool”
This is always harmful because physical injuries still occur to the mental illness.