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2 years ago

You can also read automatic mails. So if I’m gonna put a mailbox for a messenger that sends the mails out, I’ll be able to read them when someone answers. But as a rule, such mailboxes are ignored because they are created only for the bot and for nothing else. I assume that it is an automatic mail and therefore does not respond.

2 years ago

Is an automatic email?

No, because this is an email address! It’s not like that.

If I send to what, can they read that?

Of course, they can – the meaning and purpose of emails.
Whether it would be a completely different question, of course, you didn’t ask.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fragexxx747

Bürschlein: Making correct is the motto
The answer is accurate to your formulation.
If you wanted to ask something else, it’s not the fault of the respondent.

2 years ago

No, it is not when you look at the help page of Instagram:

This is what it says:

  • E-mails from Instagram/Facebook that affect your account come exclusively from or