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2 months ago

Depends on where. Such refugee shelters or for women and children who had to leave the man or authorities could happen. For example, if they are deported they have nothing to lose or if any requests are rejected, many are also mentally ill because of traumatic experiences.

2 months ago
Reply to  7Blutorange7

Yes my sister is in accommodations for woman and child or fleeting too, it actually goes. Such action isn’t much more their mental problems every day where it’s banging among women. Or feel observed, so does psychoses, fears and suicide attempts. More than now attacks

2 months ago

I also started with property protection and then security service where it was partly, partly (hospital, residential park, …) then also DHF there, etc.!

I continued to make myself, then served in “travel areas” in object protection with & without dog as well as events!

Yes, it could become more dangerous, but before armed security, if necessary. Even with dog, man had still respect in the ’90s, so that without much violence, no use of weapons was possible.

Unfortunately, the times have changed and today the security job is mostly associated with dangers, as I have been in the past. Professional detective and personal protector only too well!

A good training (also psychological!) does not and can live rets!! That it takes is clear, but you’re safer in the job then!

2 months ago

Less dangerous than taxi drivers, honestly.

It can become dangerous, but the everyday looks very boring. Security professions are connected with a lot of sitting, waiting and watching. Depending on what you protect, you can only sit around for months and stare at screens.

You have to be able to do that, as you are actually used, it can become dangerous, but the rule is rather boredom.

2 months ago
Reply to  Dissoziiert

Depending on where you are employed, I worked for 4 years with the aliens department as security there was no minute boredom.

2 months ago
Reply to  NicoNRW

Oh, God, respect. I’d like to believe that.

2 months ago
Reply to  7Blutorange7

Depends on what exactly. Object protection is often just above the minimum wage. Personal protection may sometimes be very lucrative, but often requires additional qualifications such as military or police training.

That’s what you need to protect. As a doorman in front of a nightclub, you don’t deserve much, as an object protector in front of a high-Tec research laboratory.

2 months ago
Reply to  Dissoziiert

There’s something true!

2 months ago

When I couldn’t work in my old job, I was looking for an alternative. About an educational voucher I have been paying for the subject examination and have been working since that in the field. Have already done a lot from department store detective to fire station

2 months ago

Depending on where… in the shopping center okey but in a refugee camp zb, the job is not to be underestimated ….

Greetings from my Waldhütte in Salzburg

2 months ago

Depends on your motivation and attitude.