Ist schreiben ein Talent?

Manche sagen ja schreiben ist ein Talent. Und wer dieses spezielle Talent nicht hat, sollte gar nicht erst versuchen jemals ein Autor zu sein. Ich wollte dem auf dem Grund gehen, denn wenn dem so ist, heisst dass ja manche können das perfekte Buch mit 14 schreiben, und damit weltberühmt werden? Und andere können noch so üben und werden nie gut?

Das heisst wenn man kein spezielles Talent dafür hat , sollte man es gar nicht versuchen jemals ein Autor zu werden?

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9 months ago

Yeah, definitely. There are people who are not at all. Not only for writing itself needs talent, but also the ideas should be there.

But talent hasn’t been all for a long time. I’d appreciate it for a third. Another third is craftsmanship. You can learn that. You have to learn. There are books, there are events/seminars, and you can (good) write forums get suggestions. And then there’s another third of sweat. Say, hard work. Who thinks you can put a good text down on your phone that’s wrong. Such a story may appear for Wattpad, if at all.

9 months ago

No, I wouldn’t see that at all. If you burn for something, you should always try to realize this dream, because if you really want something, you can do that in my opinion.

I think that there are people who have a more talent for writing than others, but that doesn’t mean long enough for others to do it, for example, they just need a little longer. And btw, dss perfect book with 14 is already a very nice house number, where the “perfect book” is probably still a personal definition. Christopher Paolini, in my opinion, did this, but there are also tastes that go apart and, in my opinion, something is very rare.