Ist rost am unterboden eines autos wirklich so schlimm?

Ich hab ein auto auf Kleinanzeigen gefunden was nen km stand von 12k hat und Erstzulassung 1980

Es ist aber rost angegeben, ich zitiere

Rost an vereinzelten Stellen unterbodengruppe

Ist das wirklich so schlimm? Kann man dagegen wirklich nichts machen? Wie viel kostet es sowas auszutauschen?

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9 months ago

Is that really so bad?

Depends on the intensity of the grate. “Rost sites” can be anything from light flying grate to complete rusting.

Can’t you do anything about it?

Surface grating can be treated mechanically and chemically, rusting must be cut out sufficiently large and welded to sheet metal pieces. In both cases, painting and sealing operations are subsequently necessary.

It is possible to avoid rust through sufficient care and early action.

How much does it cost to exchange?

Exchange? The underfloor? It belongs to the basic body, which is the frame on which the complete vehicle is built. You can’t just exchange that.

9 months ago
Reply to  NYanistzukurz

Improving with glass fiber or carbon is not permissible for metal bodies

9 months ago
Reply to  NYanistzukurz

Clearly, this can be detected optically. Rusty sheet -> surface grate. Hole where none should be -> grating. And no, this is not to be carved with carbon, which is welded, sprinkled and painted.

9 months ago

No plan, I’ve never put myself under the car that’s here. Isn’t there a lump-sum price for “Auto escape”.

9 months ago

In the worst case, there is no TÜV. Depends on where and how strong the rust is.

9 months ago

If the car was in a garage, it’s not that bad.

12K can also mean 112K, x12K, or 1 million for an oldtimer.

9 months ago
Reply to  NYanistzukurz

an oldtimer with 12k waere a real find.

then the interior would be quite tiptop, shift lever, steering wheel, pedal wear etc.