Ist Rhabarber-Kuchen aus dem Garten giftig?
Meine Mutter hat heute Rhabarberkuchen gemacht, sehr lecker und sauer, aber nun hab ich gelesen, dass Rhabarber durch Oxalsäure giftig werden kann bei zu hohen Mengen, doch wie viel ist in einem Stück Rhabarberkuchen? Muss ich jetzt Angst vor irgendeiner giftigen Wirkung und Symptomen haben, oder ist das unbedenklich bei Kuchen?
Rhabarber from the garden is as non-toxic as bought, you should not harvest too late a year because he then has more acidity. Currently it is the perfect time for Rhabarber and you can just enjoy it, even raw.
Only with certain kidney problems should you be careful, but they would certainly be known to you because kidney stones really hurt badly.
If you eat more than 5 kilos of your cake alone, it could be a matter of concern…
No, Rhabarber can only be toxic in raw condition as far as I know.
Rhabarber can also be eaten as a compote and a cake only right.
If we used to be thirsty, we’ve eaten raw rhubarbs, that was a great thirsty.
I’ve eaten so much robes in my life, even larger quantities.
That never happened.
Do you think your mother would bake you a poisonous cake?
I think it is not a problem. So often you don’t eat a robe. I like Rhabarber Compote and Rhabarbread 😋.
Sauer is only the cake because she made it wrong. Rhabarber can’t just be put on the floor.
How to prevent the sour?
Cut the robe into pieces, put in a pot, sugar on it… water or so….. 5-7 minutes simmer. Keep stirring! Pudding on the finished dough, then the rhubarb on it, some cinnamon then the sprinkle on top. Then bake at 164 degrees 1:04 hours….then it is perfect
What did you eat?
And if so, then confectioner, you bangling frog…
You just think you have a clue… but it’s not like that….used 14 years, but all right
Wow a baker on board who knows everything better….back your own cake….
You can’t eat so much robes until you can see a harmful effect.
Therefore Rhabarber is harvested only until Johanni, then no longer.
The oxalic acid decomposes largely during baking. If you still have concerns, I would recommend a glass of milk to the cake or electrolyte to have definitely enough calcium in the body.